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Children Ministries

       Our church meets together regularly to worship God and be instructed from its pages. We do understand that not everyone gets the same understanding from each message based on many factors. Children are limited in their knowledge of biblical truths until they are taught. By the biblical principle found in Nehemiah 8:3 where men and women listened to the Word of God from morning until midday, “and those that could understand” that the youngest children would not have been a part of the instruction which was given to adults. Therefore, we have determined to separate the youngest of children for the nursery (0 – 3 yrs of age) and junior church (3 – 8 years of age) from the rest of the congregation worship service. We do understand that some children in those ages can sit quietly without distracting the rest of the people from the message and parents are able to keep them by their side. It is our desire that as many as possible be able to enjoy the worship service and be “attentive unto the book of the law.“

       We also offer an instructional time prior to the worship service which is age appropriate. We have Sunday School classes for various ages which breaks down the teaching of the students where they can understand them. One of the greatest aspects of a Sunday School classroom is the ability for the student to ask questions. It is evident from Scripture that Jesus preached to the multitudes but discipled the 12 whom He called, for the purpose of carrying forward His ministry. Often after Christ taught the multitude, He pulled the disciples aside and taught them further into the meaning of the things which He had taught. Our design is to present the Word of God properly but also to each age group so that as they grow they will understand and participate in the worship services. Sunday school fulfills one of the aspects of the great commission to “teach all nations” and “teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you.”

      Our classes are 4-5 year olds as “Beginners”; 1-3 grade as “Primaries”; 4-6 grade as “Juniors” and 7-12 grade as Teens. In a culture saturated with change, it is good for children to hear the stability found in the Word of God. What is right, what is wrong, what God is like, what we are supposed to be like. Each classroom can take the Word of God and direct their students as well as address the “norms” of their social structure around them.  Peers often lead young people in the wrong direction. The Sunday School can divert the child’s heart toward the teaching of God away from the disfunction of society. Children need to learn the books of the Bible and become familiar with its stories to prepare them for greater instruction during the worship services. Schools don’t throw a book at a student and expect them to get the most out of the subject on their own. Neither should we throw a Bible at a child and expect grand results without instruction. Our Sunday School is designed to give each person an opportunity for growth and build a personal relationship with our Lord. Daniel Webster once asked Thomas Jefferson the patriotic question: ”What is to be the salvation of our nation?” After a pause, Jefferson replied: ”Our nation will be saved, if saved at all, by teaching the children to love the Savior.”


Meet the Teachers 

The Pre-K - kindergarten teacher is Mrs. Troyer. She has been teaching children for 43 years and has taught children at Grace Baptist for 20 years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in arts and science from Capital University. 

Mrs. Troyer 


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Our 1st -3nd Grade teaches are Mrs. Hornyak & Ms. Jaclyn
They Have been teaching this class since 2023 

Mrs. Hornyak & Ms. Jaclyn 


Mrs. Kohler  


Our 4th - 6th grade teacher is Mrs Kohler. Mrs Kohler has been teaching children for fifteen years and teaching Sunday school for the last ten years
The teacher for 7th - 12th graders is Mr. Troyer, who has taught teens for a total of thirteen years

Mr. Troyer


The teacher for the Adults is Pastor Troyer and has been teaching sunday school for 39 years ranging from 7 and 8 year olds to adults and has been teaching the adult sunday school class for 24 years. He has a Bachelors in Pastoral Theology and a Masters in Divinity.

Pastor Troyer 


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101 Donation Road, Greenville, PA 16125  |   724-588-5520

© 2023 by Grace Baptist Church

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